Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The idea to set up Yayasan Ali Rahmah came out of necessity to unite the family under one umbrella. Yayasan (Malay for Foundation) was named after my grandparents of my mother's side, Mohamed Ali bin Mat Serah  (my grandfather) and Rahmah binti Mohd Isa (my grandmother), both of whom have touched my life in a special way.

I was fortunate to have live with them (albeit only a short few years with my grandfather) and understood how they were and the sacrifices they had done to bring up their 10 surviving kids. My mother (Halida) is number 5 of the lot and had brought me to live with her parents back in 1980.

The Yayasan is aimed at promoting unity and selfless contribution to fellow family members whilst identifying ways to improve welfare of its members. Although still at its infancy, the founding members of the Yayasan hopes to continue the family values through many collaborative efforts that will form a strong foundation for current and future family members.

Raya 2009

A meeting of family members was held at Opah's house in Lim Garden on the 3rd day of Raya 2009. It was well attended by all family levels whcih had concluded with several good outcomes. The meeting minutes are published online at

Meeting (Cucu Cucu Opah) 22 Sept 09

Meeting 1
Date: 22 Sept 09
Time: 2030
Venue:Opah's house. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lim+garden,+ipoh,+perak&sll=3.167466,101.58734&sspn=0.203965,0.363579&ie=UTF8&ll=4.609278,101.068903&spn=0.006363,0.011362&z=17
Chairperson: Sam Majid
Chek Wan, Syafiq, Fairudz, Wan Noor, Mak Nyah (Haliza), Mak Chor (Halida), Nana, Mak yong (Azira),
Mak O (Radziah), Izwan, Boy, Uncle Di (Radhi), Pak Yeop (Hussin), Hani.
Objective: Discussion on issues of the family
* Lim Garden House’s maintenance
* Arwah Tok’s house in Manjoi
* Aunty’s / Cousin’s welfare issues
* To bridge the gap between cousins of all generation

1) The Lim Garden house - owned by Haliza (3/4) & Halida (1/4)
    Halida has no legal standing as the house is on Haliza’s name.

What is present is an MoU and is based on goodwill between the two.
Uncle Di states that he would want a house of his own; however this is unfulfilled because he needs to maintain the Lim Garden house.
Haliza questioned whether Uncle Di would want to purchase the Lim Garden house?
Uncle Di states that he can’t get loan more than 60k. Maybe after retirement it is possible.
Would Haliza & Halida are willing to donate the house? NO

Action point:
* To settle the on house’s agreement.
* Fairudz will facilitate access of legal process for Haliza & Halida, and find out what are the possible solutions for the house’s MOU.
* Radhi to continue status quo of maintaining the house until further notice.

2) Rumah Manjoi

Radhi has been maintaing as well. What would happen if Radhi is not maintaning?
Sam proposed of a Yayasan to maintain the Manjoi house/land.

Sam proposed that the 10 names in the agreement to be changed to a single entity, for example like Yayasan Mohamad Ali.
This is to create a separate legal entity that belongs to the family.

**Haliza states that a few holders (land owners) might have reservations on the idea.
Sam proposes after the entity is formed, the holders can choose to cash out or maintained the capital in the entity.

Action point:
* Fairudz to research on the possible way of forming a Yayasan. Deadline Raya Haji 2009
* Creation of working committee to implement the 2nd point.
* Sam has been elected as the head of the working committee.

3)Welfare of individuals of the family
Ridzwan explains that he has been helping Radziah on her financial situation.
Radziah has also registered with Kementerian Kebajikan for single mothers; however she is still awaiting an answer from the Ministry.
Radziah also states that she earns RM300 – RM400 from IMU. Thus, this is not sufficient to cover her monthly expenses.
It is calculated that she would require between RM 800 – RM 900 to survive.

Sam proposes that a bank account to be opened and maintained by one member of the family, who will act as trustee. Other family members can make contributions to the account, on VOLUNTARY basis.
The account in the interim will be under the name of the trustee, later it can be changed to the Yayasan’s name.
Radhi proposes that apart from financial aids, the family could also help with job opportunities, and/or shelter.    
Sam proposes that Radziah stays at his house as a caretaker for free, with payment of service by cleaning the house.
* Haliza to act as trustee of the account and to open the account, in order to assist Radziah and/or other family members in need, in the interim.
* Haliza to inform the other family members of the account number
* Haliza to monitor the account movement and report to contributors on a monthly basis

4) To bridge the gap between cousins of all generation
 Izwan’s Court case.
 Fairudz explained on the legal aspect of Izwan’s case. Fairudz will assist on what Ezwan should say during the hearing.
If everything goes well, Ezwan could be free by paying the fine rather than serving any sentence.
Plans for Izwan:     
* To register for GIAT MARA
* To assist Ezwan on getting a driving license, by using the contribution account.